Technika 26-622 manual USB Operation, Brief Introduction

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USB Operation




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26" HD Ready LCD/DVD TV with USB Record User Guide


Image 33
Contents User Guide Page Contents Contents Hdmi IntroductionKeep these instructions Safety InformationElectrical Information Front Panel Parts IdentificationLocal Keyboard Panel Cover Side in FrontBack Panel Connecting the TV Connecting Diagram Connecting the TVCommon Interface Common Interface slotWall Mounting Wall MountingHD Ready LCD/DVD TV with USB Record User Guide HD Ready LCD/DVD TV with USB Record User Guide Battery Life Battery InstallationSwitching on Lets StartSelecting Source Operation DTV Setting DTV Menu SetupPVR Record key RED/GOTO PVR Remote Control KEY FunctionsPVR File system menu description PVR FunctionsDTV Menu Setup Block programme Clock Electronic Program Guide EPG PictureFunction SoundATV Setting ATV Menu SetupATV Menu Setup Auto, ZOOM1, ZOOM2 not valid for VGA mode Zoom in Teletext Teletext Function Video Setting Menu Video Menu SetupVGA Menu Setup A S E T T I N GU N D C T U R E Language item enables you to select the OSD languageBrief Introduction USB OperationPlayback USB Operation Play Movie Play MusicPlay Photo Operate in Full Screen StateBrief Introduction DVD OperationFeatures Compatible Disc Types Types Sizes Recorded ContentsPlayback Volume ControlVCD, Svcd Menu Playback MemorySelect Track to Play Directly by Number Buttons Select LANGUAGE/AUDIORepeat Playback of Selected Segment Repeat PlaybackPlay from the Desired Position Fast PlaybackSelect track Zooming the Displayed FrameMPEG4 and Jpeg File Playback Play MPEG4 file Please press effective button again DVD Setting PictureSound General Setup DVD Function SetupOff,10min,20min,30min,60min,120min,180min and 240min FunctionTroubleshooting Display TroubleshootingSound and TV Troubleshooting DVD Troubleshooting 24BIT SpecificationsTV/DTV — Analogic RGB Format Table Display ModeAdditional Information Care and Maintenance