8 C O N N E C T I O N S
#2 Cable Box Required For All Channels
1)Connect cable wire out from the wall, in to the cable box input.
2)Connect cable wire out from cable box, in to the splitter RF input.
3)Connect cable wire out from splitter RF output, in to the TV RF input.
4)Connect cable wire out from splitter RF output, in to the VCR RF input.
NOTE: A) In order for TV Guide Plus+ to control the VCR and the cable box, put one IR Mouse in front of the remote infrared receiver window of each device.
B)You must connect the VCR to the TV using audio/video connections (see page 9).
C)When you connect cable box and VCR as shown in the above, you must set the channel of VCR to RF output of cable box after you finished TV Guide Plus+ Setup from page 18 to page 22.
#3 Cable Box Required but with Cable Box Video Output
1)Cable wire out from wall, in to cable box RF input.
2)Out from cable box RF output, in to VCR RF input.
3)Yellow video cable out from cable box video output, in to TV video Input 1.
4)White audio cable out from cable box Left Audio output, in to TV Left Audio input jack.
5)Red audio cable out from cable box Right Audio output, in to TV Right Audio input jack.
NOTE: A) In order for TV Guide Plus+ to control the VCR and the cable box, put one IR Mouse in front of the remote infrared receiver window of each device.
B)You must connect the VCR to the TV using audio/video connections (see page 9).
C)You connect the video output from cable box to Video Input 1 of the TV. If you connect to Video Input 2, it cannot download the TV Guide Plus+ data. In the TV Guide Plus+ Setup,Step 7, you will need to set the output of cable box to "O/AUX".
D)When you connect cable box and VCR as shown in the above, you must set the channel of VCR to RF output of cable box after you finished TV Guide Plus+ Setup from page 18 to page 22.