Function Menu Operation
Function Menu Operation
Special Message:
No Signal
This message indicates there is no signal for PC input.
If there is no signal for PC input, black screen will be displayed and above dialog mentions you to plug PC signal. For all inputs other than PC input, blue screen will be displayed if there is no valid input.
Out Of Range
Because of the limitation of the LCD panel, some picture format can not be displayed normally. This message indicates that current input exceeds the display ability of the panel.
Invalid Mode
Due to the limitation of microchips used by the TV set, some picture format can not be supported by the TV set. This message indicates that the TV set can not perform normal image management for current input format.
For TV input, only NTSC system is supported. For Component input, following formats are supported. 480i@60Hz, 480p@60Hz, 576i@50Hz, 576p@50Hz, 720p@50Hz, 720p@60Hz, 1080i@50Hz, 1080i@60Hz
Auto Configuration
This message indicates that PC automatic configuration is in process.
After finish PC image adjustment, this message will disappear.
Image Shrink
This message indicates system is shrinking the input signal so as it can be displayed although part of the image will be lost. For some input formats which can not be displayed normally due to the limitation of the panel or microchips used by the TV set, software system will automatically calculate and delete part of the image and allow primary part of the image to be displayed.
Sometimes for some supported input format, system will also automatically calculate and decide whether or not should shrink the input image. During this process, Image Shrinking message is also displayed. While if system finds that input format should be supported by the TV set, this message will disappear and the whole picture
will be displayed.