MFL62194603 | 8/12/09 | 5:00 PM Page 40 | _!_J |
Lifds Good
Congratdafions on your purchase! As you enjoy your new product, phase keep these safety tips in mind:
®l'le home theater erltePair'r'neqtexperience is a grow ng tlend and la/ger fiat panel dispays are popubr purchases However, fiat panel dispays
are not aways supported on the prope" stands or instal ed according to the manufacturer'srecommenda_4ons
"Fat panel dismays that are inapprop_ ctey situa÷ed o:1dressers, bookcases, shebes, desks, speakers, chests or cars may fall eve _ and cause Iniury
-The consume_ dectromcs indusky _scornrnr'ed to making home e*llertainment enioyabb and safe
•One size does NOT fit dl Fdow _he manbfacturer'srecommendations for tile safe instal½tion and use ,of your fiat pand dispay
•Careful_ read and understand all enclosed ns'ructons for proper use d
f_is p_oduct
" Don1 alow chi dren _oclimb on or pay wf_h {umi'ure and iee_sion ses
•Don'tpace fiat pane" dispays on furniture _hatcan easy be used as steps, such as a chest of d_awers
•Remembe__Sla'ch dren can become excited whb watch ng a plogram, espec_aly on a "½rge_ than life" riot pane dmpay Care shadd be taken to
place aT install/he dispay where it canna 'be pdshed, pulled over, or knocked down
"Care shoud be taken to route all cords and caUes connected to t_e fiat panel @spay so lhat they cannot be puled or grabbed by curious chi dren
•'Use a moun _lhat has been recommended by lhe dispay rnanufac%re _ and/or I's:edby an independen: ½bo_a_ory (such as UL, CSA, ETL)
"Feow dl ir'st_uctionssupp ied by the disp½y and wall mount manufacturers o If you have any doubts abaut yo,Jr abill 7 to safey install your Sat pond
dispay, contact your retai e_ about professional ms*elatien
"Make sore _ha'the wall where you are moun'ng lhe dispay is appropriate Some wall mounts are not designed to be mounted to walB wt[_ steel studs or old cinder block construction _ you a_e unsure, contact a
p_ofessanal ins:aller
•A min mum of two peo_e are required fo_ instalut:on Flat panel dispbys can be heavy