Parental Control
Enter the your password
Parental Control can be used to block specific channels, ratings and other viewing sources. Set up blocking schemes to block specific channels, ratings, and external viewing sources. A password is required to gain access to this menu.
1.Press the MENU button and then press the Down or Up button to select the Parental.
2.Press the OK button and then enter password as requested.
3.The TV is set up with the initial password
| Video | Password |
| Audio |
| TV |
| Setup |
G | Parental |
| |
| Parental | MENU | Back |
Set Password
Change the password by inputting a new password twice.
1.After inputting the password, press the Down or Up button to select Change Password.
2.Press the OK button and then select any 4 digits for your new password and enter the them on the New Password.
3.As soon as the 4 digits are entered,
4.Then your changed password has been memo- rized.
5.Press the MENU button to return to the previous menu.
| Video | Program Block | G |
| Audio | Change Password | G |
| Clean All | G | |
| ||
| TV |
| Setup |
G | Parental |
Parental | ENTER | Select MENU Back |
| Video | New Password |
| Audio | Confirm Password |
| |
| TV |
| Setup |
G | Parental |
| |
| Change Password | MENU | Back |