Power Cord Warnings
If op<>rnting 110 [N[) PIa)'l>rt om botlofy powgf, _ rto Chaplo r 10 of th O. ma nuoj
lJo.o <W1 opprol'Od~ cord
If tho origi nal ~ co rd o. mis~ or i00i, po.xcro... a POW'" cord: _ That i. opprol'Odlor "'" n )'OUr OOOJrtry
_ That i. rojod for th o
oioctric<l l mtngo !abo l
_ That has • I'OIt _ <Wld e<..<r<>nt r"'ing groolo rt"'""'ho voItago and axrort mtng
.....I<od on 110
_ W if1 a m n mum wir<> ~\o( of 0.75 rrmll1eAWG
_ That i. bo' - 1 5 and 6.5 foot (1 .5 <Wld 2 ""'J1""1<
If )'OUh ol'Oq u. d "", oboot tho t_ eX powgf cord Xl u... oontoct your o uth orizod
.....vioI> pro<idof
Tho [N[) PIa)'Ofcomo. "'th a U<on bo_V pod Thor<> .. a ris!< eX ft. and b<xns if tho b<Ktory pac, i.
_ Do not disa, _ , c rush, or po.rcl.J ro 110 OO_y poe, _ Do not sIlort tho
_ Do not ""PO'" th o b<Ktory pac>; Xl f.... or wo...
_ Do not on~ to <>pO n or """';oo 110 oon ..-y pack
_ R"I' iooo on ly w l h tho botlofy pod <Io~od lor this
_ [hcard I.'&od bono M•• acoordlng to tho m<nJfoctu",,'. nstructions
Vis; t>e L:>Se< Rad iat.,n Whoo Ope n Do Not Store Into Bea m
'" Vie w 0; , ectl, W ill , O~i"",1 I,, >! ,u , " e " i,
U'"of =tro~, adju stment" m:j proood lJ"e, oth er th on those specified he"" n moy res " t n ho",,"oo l.OS r:Jdiat .,n expos ure