Disc Tools
Disc Tools allows you to format, erase, and close your disc.
Format Disc
Select Format Disc to open the Format Disc dialog box. DVD MovieFactory allows you to write the UDF (Universal Disc Format) file system to a rewritable disc to enable random packet writing. Random packet writing allows disc space to be used more efficiently when burning data onto the disc. It allows data to be written onto the disc in the same way as the hard disk, freeing disc space as data are deleted, and reusing freed space. A disc can be formatted with UDF 1.5 or above.
Erase Disc
Select Erase Disc to open the Erase Disc dialog box. This allows you to erase the contents of your rewritable disc.
Close Disc
Select Finalize Disc to open the Close Disc dialog box. Closing a recordable disc means that no further data can be written onto it.
Settings and options
Opens a menu of options that allows you to set preferences, save projects, view the online Help and information about Ulead DVD MovieFactory, visit the Ulead DVD MovieFactory Web page, and register your copy of Ulead DVD MovieFactory.
Opens an existing Ulead DVD MovieFactory project file (*.DWZ).
DVD MovieFactory (*.DWZ) file using the date as the file name. If you are just saving the changes you made in an existing project, its original file name will be retained.
Save As
DVD MovieFactory
Saves a copy of the current project.