2. RS232
The Atlona switcher is featured with RS232 control port which allows users to control the switch though a control system or from the computer.
The serial communication parameters are 9600 baud rate, 8 bit, No Parity and 1 stop bit
When the unit recognizes a complete command it will perform the requested action - there is no delimiter character
Note: The unit does not send out a feedback message when a value is changed from the front panel or by IR control. If the switcher needs to be controlled though front panel in addition to the RS232 control, user should regularly verify the unit’s status to ensure the control system accurately reflects the current settings.
3. Protocol Commands
To Switch Inputs to Outputs
SBI0XO0Y - Where X is Output Number
Unit will respond with
SBUD0XOY - Where X is Output Number
Example: Send Input 4 to Output 1 SBI04O01 – Sending Command
SBUD04O1 – would be the feedback command which switcher will send back to the control system to confirm
the input change
4. RS-232 Serial Commands
Power OFF command - SBSYSMOF
Power ON command - SBSYSMON
Unit will respond with:
Unit is in Standby - SBALOFAK
Unit is no longer in Standby - SBALONAK
Example: Put Unit in Standby (Soft Power) SBSYSMOF
Switchers will feedback with SBALOFAK
5. Front Panel Lock
Note: Hard resetting the unit will unlock the Front Panel controls.
Lock Front Panel: SBSYSMLK – When locked, changes can only be made via RS232
Unlock front panel: SBSYSMUK
Unit will respond with: SBSYSLOK - Front Panel has been locked
SBSYSULK - Front Panel has been Unlocked
SBALLRST - Reset every output to Input 1
Unit will respond with SBRSTACK
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