| PresstomoverightinMenuiteminsetupmodeand | toselectcamera2 | |
| in live mode. It can also be used to enter number 2 |
| when entering |
| password. |
| |
| Press to move down in Menu item in setup mode and | to select | |
| camera3inlivemode. Itcanalsobeusedtoenter |
| number3when |
| enteringpassword. |
| |
| PresstomoveleftinMenuiteminsetupmodeand | toselectcamera4 | |
| in live mode. It can also be used to enter number 4 |
| when entering |
| password. |
| |
| Presstoselectfullscreenorquadscreeninlive | monitoringmode.It | |
| canalsobeusedtoselectdesiredmenuitem orto |
| storethesetup |
| valueinthemenu. |
USBPORT | USBBackupandFirmwareupgrade |