MR-1000 System Update Ver.1.5.0 Release Information
Note: If the system of your
How to check the system version of your
During power up, the screen displays the system version number.
Ex. The system version is “Ver1.5.0”.
MP3 file playback added. (Sampling frequency 44.1kHz or 48kHz / Bit rate 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320kbps)
During playback and stop, pressing P dial jumps the unit to the current folder or play list. You can select files quickly with this. You can move to any directory inside the library during playback.
Alphabet sort display added to the library display.
In the library selection screen, long file names can be displayed in scroll.
Quick play function for starting playback instantaneously.
Mark jump function added.
2sec is added as the backlight lighting time option to reduce the battery consumption.
"" added to meter peak hold setting. (<- If you see "
" as funny characters, it is meaning a infinite mark.)
After being in "REC PAUSE" for a while, the MR sometimes displayed "Disk Too Busy" during recording. This has been fixed.
The processor system has been refined to overall minimize the message "Disk Too Busy".
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