Color Control: allows you to individually adjust the gain (relative warmth of the color) and the offset (the amount of black in the color) of the red, green, and blue colors.
Gamma: Gamma tables contain preset intensity configurations optimized for the input source. You can select a gamma table that has been specifically tuned for either film, video, Bright Room, or PC input. (Film input is material originally captured on a film camera, like a movie; video input is material originally captured on a video camera, like a TV show or sporting event.)
NOTE: Your viewing preferences may vary. Cycle through the gamma options and pick the one you like the best.
Video Standard: When it is set to Auto, the projector attempts to pick the video standard automatically based on the input signal it receives. (The video standard options may vary depending on your region of the world.) If the projector is unable to detect the correct standard, the colors may not look right or the image may appear “torn.” If this happens, manually select a video standard by selecting NTSC, PAL, or SECAM from the Video Standard menu.
Overscan: (video sources only) removes noise around the video image.
The following options are for computer or HDTV sources only
Phase: adjusts the phase of the video signal’s digital conversion.
Tracking: adjusts the frequency of the video signal’s digital conversion.
Horizontal/Vertical Position: adjusts the position of the source.
Settings menu
Sources: allows you to assign a particular input to a specific source key on the remote and enables or disables Autosource. When Autosource is not checked, the projector defaults to the