Start to copy
Press υ key to highlight “Paste” and then press OK
key to start copying your files to the assigned folder.
Deleting Files
This function allows you to delete one file or several files at one time.
υTurn on the Pavio .
ϖSelect <File manager> with π / θ τ / υ (or VOLUME) key and then press OK key. The disk menu and file menu will be displayed.
ωSwitch the control from disk menu to file menu with υ key
The file menu and function menu will be displayed. Switch back to the disk menu with τ key.
Control side
ξSelect a folder or file with π / θ key.
Function Menu
Switch the control from file menu to function menu with υ key and then select [Delete] with π / θ key.
ζEnter delete function with υ key
When enter to the delete function the control will be switched to file menu, then you can select files to
Control side