Measure maxim um possible dim ensions
Multiply wall thickness by 2
Subtract this from each dimension to arrive at Gross Internal Dimensions
Multiply LxW xD to arrive at
Gross Internal Volume
Deduct Vf (volum e of the speaker frame) from Gross Internal Volum e
No | Yes |
C alculate brace volum e and deduct from G ross Internal Volume
| To convert to LITERS : | |
You are at N et Internal Volum e | Divide in3 | by 61 .03 |
| |
in cubic inches (in 3 ) | To convert to C UBIC FEET: | |
| Divide in 3 | by 1728 |
∙Determine the dimensions of your enclosure.
∙Be certain the box you have designed will fit into the location you have chosen. Sometimes making a cardboard box with the same outside dimensions is helpful.
∙Use 3/4 inch thick Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) or High Density Particleboard. It is preferable to cut the wood with a table saw to ensure straight, even joints. If a table saw is not available, a circular saw is acceptable.
∙Use a “T” square to verify precise right angle gluing.
∙Use a high quality wood glue and air nails or wood screws to assemble the enclosure. Elmer’s® woodworker’s glue and Weldwood® work well. To guarantee an airtight box, seal each inside joint with silicone sealant.
∙For Sealed Enclosures, stuff the chamber with
∙For Vented Enclosures, staple 1 inch thick fiberglass insulation or Dacron to all walls of the enclosure except the baffle to which the woofer is mounted.
∙Use the supplied gasket to seal the woofer in the enclosure and eight(8) wood screws or
The following designs include a variety of enclosure sizes and types. Each design has two frequency response curves; one showing predicted
Remember: all suggested enclosure volumes are Net, and DO NOT include woofer, port, and bracing displacement!
6 | 7 |