Some of the other recommended biasing, “methods” — such as
But don’t these alterations imply that you are
Now some players may like the sound of their amp altered by tubes with extreme characteristics and with the bias set to help compensate. But often it is the mere novelty of change that they’re really responding to and when the amp goes back to the proper original way, we’ve seen them be far happier still!
Because every part in every one of our designs has been meticulously evaluated, compared and stressed over — no matter how seemingly insignificant it might be. And with every design we look for a “sweet spot” where all the parameters — including the bias — come together to give the best sonic performance, consistently and reliably. Every part and voltage is important — yet no one complains that these other parameters aren’t available for tinkering.
Consider our patented
If that doesn’t appeal to you, then merely plug a matched set of Mesa tubes into one of our amps and you’re ready for tone. Guaran- teed. You’d be amazed at the number of service calls we field every day that lead to a diagnosis of
Please, don’t think this is a blanket indictment of the other guys selling tubes — it isn’t. And their tubes aren’t all bad either. It just doesn’t make sense to pay more of your hard earned cash for tubes that were probably made in the same Russian or Chinese factory and which have the possibility of being outside the performance window we select for your amp. And it pains us to hear the hype and mystique built up around biasing when
Our rigorously tested and hand selected tubes are available at your nearest Mesa/Boogie Pro Center or from us directly. Nobody offers better price, quality or warranty than we do ... so why swerve?
Next time we’ll talk about our part in developing the great Sylvania STR 415 type 6 6 and how we’re on the verge of seeing something fairly close reappear on the market. Remember, we still have some of these super rugged
Mesa/Boogie Ltd.
Randall Smith
Designer & President