Note: These screenshots were taken on Ableton Live 7.0.15, while there are new features in 8 the selections that pertain to this setup should remain the same. Also note they were taken using the MPK on a Mac. All of the options are the same for the MPD short of the Arp option. So if you own an MPD follow these same steps. The only difference is you will see MPD instead of MPK. PC users will see USB Device rather than MPD or MPK.
Configuring as a Control Surface
1.First open the software and go to the Live Menu (File Menu on a PC) and choose Preferences.
2.In the Preferences screen choose the MIDI Sync tab, and then drop down the Control Surface menu. In here you should see MPD or MPK.
If you do not see these options in the Control Surface menu please upgrade to the latest version of Ableton 6. Ableton 7 and 8 should have these options already.