Key Features
•14.5 megapixels for stunning prints as large as 16 x 20 inches
•3.6x Optical
•Optical VR image stabilization
•Huge, bright
•World’s most compact design*1
•ISO 12,800*2 capability
•Exposure modes P/S/A/M
•Scene Auto Selector
•Smile Mode
•Motion Detection
Advanced shooting modes
Quick access to a choice of Programmed Auto,
High response
All functions are optimized for immediate response, freeing you to capture special moments as you experience them. The COOLPIX S710 powers within 1.0 seconds (CIPA standard), the shutter releases quickly, and auto focus locks onto your subject with remarkable speed.
Pure imaging power with plenty of range
14.5megapixels of sharp resolution let you capture the finest details, crop creatively and produce beautiful enlargements. The COOLPIX S710’s advanced
Optical VR image stabilization
digital power play
without vibration reduction | with vibration reduction |
Nikon’s optical VR image stabilization compensates for camera shake to produce clearer, sharper results in lower light or unsteady conditions. Active full time, VR’s stabilizing effects also aid in smooth, easy framing and shooting.
ISO 12,800 capability*2
Light sensitivity range up to ISO 12,800 (3MP or smaller image size) creates new opportunities to take sharper, more
focuses on up to 12 faces
to ensure superb portraits with clear,
crisp focus.
by automatically adding light and detail to selected shots where needed, without affecting properly exposed areas.
head of its class in quality, control and performance
*1 Among 14 megapixel digital cameras equipped with optical vibration reduction as of July 2, 2008 (according to research conducted by Nikon Corporation)
*2 ISO 6400 and 12,800 are available only for image sizes of 3M (2048 x 1536) or smaller.