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Manage email addresses and KODAK PULSE Digital Frames
You can add, edit, or delete email addresses and KODAK PULSE Digital Frames on your camera.
1In Review, press the Share button. Press to choose Manage Email Addresses (or Manage Frames), then press OK.
2To add an email address or frame, press to choose New Email or New Frame, then press OK. Use the
(Example: JohnDoe@domain.com)
To edit an email address or frame, press to choose the address’s nickname (“Dad” or “Mary”) or the frame, then press OK. Use the
To delete an email address or frame, choose Delete Email or
Delete Frame, then press OK. Press to choose the address or frame, then press OK so that a check mark
appears. Press to choose Delete, then press OK.
3When finished, press to choose Done, then press OK.