Color Counter Camera with 6mm Lens
& 24V AC
Line Locked Operation
The Latest Innovation for Facial Recognition
The Counter Camera allows you to view a person’s face by placing an unobtrusive camera at eye level. Pictures of the top of your customers head or hat are a thing of the past.
Our color camera operates on 24V AC power which allows for line lock and “drift free”
color pictures. The base allows for easy horizontal angle adjustment and the camera location inside the housing can be tilted. The cable is located through the base for a more concealed and secure installation. Room for an advertising panel.
Specifications subject to change
•Tower height 24” - call for custom sizes
•6mm fixed focal lens
•480 lines of resolution
•1/3” color Sony
•1 lux low light sensitivity
•Back Light Compensation (BLC)
•Optional lenses available
•Metal and lexan housing
•Power consumption: 200mA
•Power supply: 24V AC @ 20VA required
•Standard dimensions: 24” H 2.75” D
Package Includes:
Tower Camera | Warranty | Instruction Manual |
For more information contact us at:
Speco Technologies 200 New Highway, Amityville, NY 11701 Web: www.specotech.com
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