This menu lets you change the way photos are displayed on the T.photo’s screen.
1.Select Display from the Settings menu to open the Display settings menu, and use the UP and DOWN buttons to highlight “brightness”, “contrast” , “fullscreen” and “orientation.”
2.Press to modify the selected item (Brightness and Contrast changes take effect immediately)
3.After making your adjustments, press to save.
•Brightness: press LEFT / RIGHT or on the remote to
•Contrast: Press LEFT or RIGHT to make adjustments to the screen’s contrast.
•Fullscreen: Press UP or DOWN to enable or disable. If disabled, T.photo will preserve the original dimensions of the image on the screen. If enabled, T.photo will enlarge the photo to fit the screen, while preserving its original aspect ratio. Depending on its dimensions, some parts of the photo may not be displayed in fullscreen mode. Note: fullscreen is only applied on horizontal photos displayed in landscape orientation or vertical photos displayed in portrait orientation.
Fullscreen displayed image
Undisplayed portion
Fullscreen disabled | Fullscreen enabled |
•Optimize My Favorites Image Size: When this option is enabled, the “Add to My Favorites” funtion will resize all photos to the T.photo ’s native 800x480 resolution to maximize storage space.