| Password: Input the login password of IP camera. |
| Model: Select the IP camera’s model from dropdown menu. |
| HTTP port: Input the HTTP (web) port of IP camera. By default this |
| setting should be ‘80’, if you changed the web port setting on IP camera, |
| input correct web port number here. |
| RTSP port: Input the RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) port of IP |
| camera. By default this setting should be ‘554’, if you changed the RTSP |
| port setting on IP camera, input correct RTSP port number here. |
| Click ‘Apply’ to add a new IP camera with above settings, or click ‘Back’ |
| to discard all settings and go back. |
Edit | You can modify the settings of an existing IP camera in Camera list. |
| Please click the number of camera you wish to modify setting first: |
| Then click ‘Edit’ button to show the setting page of selected camera. You |
| can change settings and click ‘Apply’ to apply new settings. |
Delete | You can delete an existing IP camera in Camera list. Please click the |
| number of camera you wish to delete first: |
Then click ‘Delete’ button. You’ll be prompted to confirm camera deletion: