Cut & Save Coupons! Only available at these stores
ENLARGE and FRAME your favourite photo
Bring in this coupon for a Kodak Image Magic 8"x10" enlargement from your favourite photo in a beautiful wooden frame. No negatives required!
Plus you get a
FREE Black & White Film
(24 exposure 400 speed)
Enlargement PLU 53380 plus Frame. B&W Film PLU 3500 *Copyright and conditions apply. No colour matching available.
One 20x25cm enlargement per coupon. Offer expires 31.12.02. Not to be used with any other offer.
10% OFF
Passport Photos!
HALF PRICE reprints!
You can even choose
the best photo!
Bring in this coupon and receive 10 reprints for the price of 5 from your 35mm colour negatives!
PLU 50005. Minimum 10. 35mm film only.
Offer expires 31.01.03. Not to be used with any other offer.
6x8" Enlargement!
Bring in this coupon to receive
10% OFF Passport Photos.
Discount code: Passport Coupon.
Offer expires 31.1.03. Service not available in all stores. Not to be used with any other offer.
Bring in this coupon with your 35mm or APS negative and receive a 6x8" enlargement for HALF the normal price!
Discount Code: Enlargement Xmas '02 Catalogue
Offer expires 31.1.03.
Not to be used with any other offer.
All prices in this catalogue will be honoured until 31.12.02 or while stocks last. This catalogue is produced as a buying guide. Some products and services may not be available in all stores. Prices include GST and are correct at time of printing. Product specifications may vary.
*TAX FREE SALES - Buy your goods retail within 30 days of departure and you can redeem the GST at departure upon presentation of your tax invoice. You may use the goods prior to leaving the country and enjoy an Australian Guarantee. Minimum value of purchase $300. Declaration applies on return.