To locate fish, look for treasure or find that perfect spot, simply turn the camera power ON and drop the Manta camera into the water. If you’re drifting with the wind or using a trolling motor with the VS820, attach the supplied trolling fin to the rear of the Manta Camera for added stability. The internal weight is enough to keep the camera down while the fin assists in keeping the Manta camera tracking straight through the water. If the camera becomes hung up, back up from the direction you were traveling from and slowly try to back the camera out of the snag. DO NOT pull directly upward with force unless all other avenues have been pursued.
Recharging the battery after every use is recommended. The charger that was supplied with the VS820 is a
When the green LED light is on, disconnect the charger from the battery and wall outlet. If the green LED light does not come on after 10 to 12 hours of charging time or the green LED light comes on relatively soon after the charger is plugged in, this may indicate that the battery will not accept a full charge. If this occurs and your camera run time is greatly diminished, you may want to replace the battery with a battery of equal specification.
If your viewing image appears cloudy, fuzzy or the screen begins to shrink, check your battery charge. One of the major symptoms of a dead or