25.When shooting a subject illuminated by bright light, vertical lines appear.
25. •This is a result of | 25. |
exceedingly high contrast, | |
and is not a malfunction. |
26. There are disturbances in | 26. •If Audio Dubbing or Insert | 26. • Use a new, or infrequently |
audio and video. | Editing have been performed | used, tape for Audio |
| repeatedly on the same | Dubbing and Insert Editing |
| portion of the tape, | (☞ pg. 67, 68). |
| disturbance to the sound |
| and picture may result. |
27. During recording, the | 27. •“DISPLAY” is set to “OFF” in | 27. • Set “DISPLAY” to “ON” in |
date/time does not | the Date/Time Menu. | the Date/Time Menu |
appear. | •Interface shooting is | (☞pg. 13). |
| performed. | • During interface shooting, |
| the date/time does not |
| appear (☞ pg. 25). |
| • Press the IND. ON/OFF |
| button for longer than 1 |
| second to make the indica- |
| tors appear (☞ pg. 24). |
28. The indicators and | 28. •“ON SCREEN” is set to | 28. • Set “ON SCREEN” to “ON” |
messages do not appear | “OFF” in the Date/Time | in the Date/Time Menu |
on screen. | Menu. | (☞ pg. 35). |
| • Press the IND. ON/OFF |
| button for longer than 1 |
| second to make the indica- |
| tors appear (☞ pg. 24). |
29. The indicators do not | 29. •You have made the | 29. • Press the IND. ON/OFF |
appear on the LCD | indicators disappear. | button for longer than 1 |
monitor or in the |
| second to make the indica- |
viewfinder. |
| tors appear (☞ pg. 24). |
30. Images on the LCD | 30. •In places subject to low | 30. • Adjust the brightness and |
monitor appear dark or | temperature, images | angle of the LCD monitor |
whitish. | become dark due to the | (☞ pg. 24, 25). |
| characteristics of the LCD |
| monitor. When this |
| happens, the displayed |
| colors differ from those that |
| are actually recorded. This is |
| not a defect of the |
| camcorder. |
| • When the LCD monitor's |
| fluorescent light reaches the |
| end of its service life, images |
| on the LCD monitor become |
| dark. Consult your nearest |
| JVC dealer. |
31. The rear of the LCD | 31. •The light used to illuminate | 31. • Close the LCD monitor to |
monitor is hot. | the LCD monitor causes it to | turn it off or set the Power |
| become hot. | Dial to “OFF”, and let the |
| unit cool down (☞ pg. 21). |
32. The indicators and the | 32. •This may occur when the | 32. |
image color on the LCD | surface or the edge of the | |
monitor are not clear. | LCD monitor is pressed. |
33. Images on the LCD | 33. The speaker volume is too | 33. • Turn the speaker volume |
monitor are jittery. | great. | down (☞ pg. 51). |
34. The LCD monitor and the | 34. | 34. • Wipe them gently with soft |
lens have become dirty | cloth. Wiping strongly can | |
(ex. fingerprints). |
| cause damage. |