4.2Setting Up Zone Attributes.
Each of the zones has 9 Attributes that dictate its function, that are fixed regardless of what the program
On entering the
Once the zone number is entered, the Day LED will stop flashing and the zone LED’s will be lit according to the zone attributes that are selected. The attributes are as follows:
Zone LED 1 – On for Chime. (Key 1) Zone LED 2 – On for OMIT. (Key 2)
Zone LED 3 – On for double knock. (Key 3) Zone LED 4 – On for normally open loop. (Key 4) Zone LED 5 – On for Fire Zone. (Key 5)
Zone LED 6 – On for Doorbell. (Key 6) Zone LED 7 – Not Used.
Zone LED 8 – On for zone disabled. (Key 8) Tamper LED – On for Utility output A. (Key 9) PA LED – On for Utility output B. (Key 0)
Pressing the Key number that represents the LED number will toggle that attribute.
Press A To Accept / Press B To Abort the changes.
This will then return the engineer back to the Engineers Menu.
4.3 Setting Up the Exit timer.
The Exit timer may be programmed from 0 seconds to 99 seconds.
On entering the
Press A To Accept / Press B To Abort the changes.
4.4Setting Up the Entry timer.
The entry timer may be programmed from 0 seconds to 99 seconds.
On entering the
Press A To Accept / Press B To Abort the changes.
4.5Setting Up the Bell Active timer.
The Bell Active Timer may be programmed from 0 Minutes to 99 Minutes.
On entering the
Press A To Accept / Press B To Abort the changes.
4.6 Setting Up the Bell Delay timer.
The Bell Delay Timer may be programmed from 0 Minutes to 99 Minutes.
On entering the
Press A To Accept / Press B To Abort the changes.
4.7Programming Access codes.
Programming Access Codes is entered from the Engineers menu by pressing Key 7
Once the Programming Access codes menu has been entered then the Access code to be changed must be selected. The Day LED and zone LED’s 1 to 7 will flash to prompt the selection of access codes 1 to 7. The access codes are selected as follows:
Press 1 To Program User Access code 1. Press 2 To Program User Access code 2. Press 3 To Program User Access code 3. Press 4 To Program User Access code 4. Press 5 To Program the Holiday code.
Press 6 To Program the Manager code. Press 7 To Program the Engineer code.
Once the Access code to change has been selected, the Day LED will light constantly, and zone LED’s 1 to 4 will light to prompt for the 4 digit access code to be entered. For every key pressed, 1 zone LED will be extinguished, indicating the number of digits left to enter of the access code.
Once all 4 digits of the access code have been entered, all of the zone LED’s will be extinguished, and the PA and Tamper LED’s will be flashing.
Press A To Accept / Press B To Abort the changes.
4.8Setting Up the Service timer.
The service timer is
1.Enable or disabling the service timer.
2.Resetting the service timer.
On entering the service timer menu the zone LED’s have the following meaning:
LED 1 Service Timer enabled. LED 2 Service Timer disabled. LED 3 Service Timer Expired.
Press 1 To Enable the service timer. Press 2 To Disable the service timer.
Press 3 To Reset and enable the service timer.
Once a key has been pressed, there will be an acknowledgement bleep, and then the panel will be returned back to the engineers menu.