04.2xT3A + 1xT5SA: to be used in a STEREO system two T3A loudspeakers as satellites and one T5SA as
05.T4A: for the use of the
the T4A loudspeaker system.
06.T4A HOUSE: derived from the previous one, includes the use of the MULTICOMP to enhance the frequencies below 60Hz. Suitable for the use
with house or dance music in general.
07.T5A/T6A: for the use of the
with the T5A and T6A loudspeaker system.
08.T5A/T6A HOUSE: derived from the previous one, includes the use of the MULTICOMP to enhance the frequencies below 60Hz. Suitable for the use
with house or dance music in general.
09.T4MA: for the use of the
10.T5MA: for the use of the
11.80Hz: this is a generic PRESET with a 24 dB/oct. 80Hz L/R crossover filter, for the use of the sub- woofer with a generic satellite.
12.100Hz: similar to the previous one, includes a 24 dB/oct. 100Hz L/R crossover filter.
13.120Hz: similar to the previous one, includes a 24 dB/oct. 120Hz L/R crossover filter.
14.140Hz: similar to the previous one, includes a 24 dB/oct. 140Hz L/R crossover filter.
15.160Hz: similar to the previous one, includes a 24 dB/oct. 160Hz L/R crossover filter.
16.180Hz: similar to the previous one, includes a 24 dB/oct. 100Hz L/R crossover filter.
8. The protection system
The DPPM module includes a series of digital algorithms that allows very high level of protection of the speaker and the amplifier to be achieved (see fig. 2).
-PEAK LIMITER: it is able to avoid with extreme precision the amplifier’s clipping and, at the same time, to control the maximum peak power sent to the loudspeaker. The SIGNAL/LIMIT LED on the module’s panel lights (RED color) when the LIMITERS are active. Note: even if the digital LIMITER can work with extreme precision and efficiency, it’s always advisable to avoid too high signal levels and to prevent the LIMIT LED to blink.
-LONG TERM POWER PROTECTION: this protection acts when the T5SA is used continuously at the maximum power allowed for the loudspeaker. The digital processor is able to detect if the loudspeaker is reaching the maximum temperature allowable for its voice coil. In this case, the output signal (and, consequently, the power applied to the speaker) is slowly reduced in order to take back the system within safety limits. The power reduction is maintained until the critical condition remains. As soon as a normal working condition is restored, the power is gradually taken back to the nominal level. This protection, which is completely automatic and doesn’t affect the dynamic performance of the system, is able to prevent damages to the speaker when the T5SA is used in extreme conditions.
-LFC (Low Frequency Control): this is a frequency- dependent compressor able to perform an additional protection over a limited frequency band where the woofer is more liable to be damaged by excessive power.
9. How the PLUGINS work
-MULTICOMP: it’s a compressor with selectable frequency band. Thanks to the possibility to choose the frequency band where the compressor is active, the MULTICOMP is used in some of the PRESETS included in the T5SA for the system’s dynamic EQ, to obtain loudness effects or to apply an additional protection on a defined frequency band.
-NOISE GATE: it’s a dynamic filter able to eliminate the background noise coming from the devices connected to the enclosure input. The NOISE GATE filter is active on all the T5SA’s PRESETS.