The SP 218BX is a subwoofer designed enhance the
The enclosure is constructed of a hardwood panel coated with Peavey’s
Inputs are at the rear of the enclosure and consist of two 1/4" jacks, one
This low frequency enclosure is comprised of two 18" Pro Rider® subwoofer drivers in a vented alignment. The Pro Rider driver delivers superior performance due to its advanced cooling system, large 4" voice coil with edge- wound aluminum wire and Kevlar® composite cone. This design provides strong bass extension and high power handling to complement a full- range sound system.
As the SP 218BX does not include a passive subwoofer crossover, input should be electronically filtered for subwoofer applications. In addition, for high power operation, a
Frequency response
This measurement is useful in determining how accurately a given unit reproduces an input signal. The frequency response of the SP 218BX is measured at a distance of 1 meter using a 1 watt (into the nominal impedance)
Power handling
There are many different approaches to power handling ratings. Peavey rates this loudspeaker system’s power handling using a modified form of the AES Standard
Harmonic distortion Second and third harmonic distortions vs. frequency are plotted in figures 3 and 4 for two power levels, ten percent (10%) of rated input power and either one percent (1%) of rated input power or 1 Watt, whichever is greater. Distortion is read from the graph as the difference between the fundamental signal (frequency response) and the desired harmonic. For example, a distortion curve that is down 40 dB from the fundamental is equivalent to 1% distortion.
Architectural & engineering specifications
The loudspeaker system shall have an operating bandwidth of 51 Hz to 300 Hz. The nominal output level shall be 99 dB when measured at a distance of one meter with an input of one watt. The nominal impedance shall be 4.0 ohms or 2 x 8 ohms, depending on configuration.
The maximum continuous power handling shall be 1,200 watts, maximum program power of 2,400 watts, a peak power input of at least 4,800 watts and a minimum amplifier headroom of 3 dB. The outside dimensions shall be 49.21 inches high by 21.04 inches wide by 30.28 inches deep. The weight shall be 147 lbs. The loudspeaker system shall be a Peavey model SP 218BX.
3 + 2 Year Limited Warranty NOTE: For details, refer to the warranty statement. Copies of this statement may be obtained by contacting Peavey Electronics Corporation, P.O. Box 2898, Meridian, Mississippi