sListem wiring
head unit | LJR Audio | TO SATELLITE AMPLIFIER |
Outputs | LINE INPUT |
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mounting and Installation
Your new American LEGgarnElifier comes complete with all required mounting hardware. When determining a suitable location in your vehicle for the amp, please remember that it is a
For this reason, alap chaase a lacalian in JIIur vehicle which hIS law libralian,adequale IInliiatian,a minimum aI dust,and na maisture. Be sure to mount the amp in such a manner as to allow reasonable airtlow over the cooling fins.
Mark the lacatian far the maunling screw hales by positioning the amp where you wish to install it and use a scribe (or one of the mounting screws) inserted in each of the mounting holes to mark the mounting surtace. If the mounting surtace IS carpeted, measure the hole centers and mark with a felt tip pen.
lefare lIIe.ing ta drill the maunling hales,take nate allIIJwires,lines ar allierdevices in JIIur vehicle which may be lacated behind tile maunting
..rllce! Then drill pilot holes in the mounting surtace for the mounting screws and insert them. Tighten the screws securely.
ta JIIur amplifier,plelSe abserve the
Use at least 8 gauge wire for power and ground connections.
Wire the amplifier directly to the car battery.
For the ground connection, use the shortest possible wire to a good chassis ground point.
American LEGACY Series amplifiers feature