The supplied charging bulb(included in the package)is used when initially charging the Cap. the charging process is accomplished by connecting the charging bulb in series between the battery’s positive post and the capacitor’s positive terminal.(plese refer to the diagram below). it is very important to follow this process to eliminate the possibility of damaging the cap/battery, and other audio devices. The charging process is complete when the voltage of the capacitor reaches the same voltage as your vehicle’s battery. This process will take a matter of seconds to complete. You can use a voltage meter to check the voltage across your battery and cup .when the voltages are the same on both(cap and battery), the cap has been fully charged. The charging bulb actually eliminates the need for the volt meter, when the cap is fully charged (cap and battery have same voltage) the bulb will go either dim or fully out.
the capacitor must bi discharged when the capacitor is removed form the system. place the same bulb which was used in charging across the terminals of the capacitor to eliminate the stored power. The capacitor will bi fully discharged within a few seconds noted by the
bulb going out. It is now safe to store your a capacitor.
1 year (except in the event the vent is blown or leaking due to reversed polarity or the cap has stripped screws or terminals)
| 1.2Farad | 20~24V | Dia. 3.0 x h. 8.86 | |
| 2.4Farad | 20~24V | Dia. 3.5 | x h. 8.86 |
1.6Farad | 16~20V | Dia. 3.0 | x h. 8.86 | |
2.8Farad | 16~20V | Dia. 3.5 | x h. 8.86 | |
5.0Farad | 16~20V | Dia. 3.5 | x h. 8.86 |
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