Remove the old label by using a small object (such as an allen wrench) to push through the access holes on the rear of the faceplate. The labels have a
| Outputs |
All three pairs of outputs may | The Ayre |
be used simultaneously if | pair of unbalanced outputs. |
!Please note that the unbalanced outputs invert absolute polarity.
When using an unbalanced connection between the Ayre
| Infrared Remote |
1.0 dB Steps | Unity Gain | Input #1 | Control Receiver |
| Tuner |
| Phono |
| Record |
| Disk | Listen |
| Video | ||
| |
A y r | e |
| Auxil |
| Off | Tape | Mute | ||
| |||
2.0 dB Steps | 3.0 dB Steps | 4.0 dB Steps | 2.0 dB Steps | Input #6 | Status Indicator |
Red =
Green = Mute
Blue = Listen
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