4)Once the mounting location of the monitor has been determined, there may be additional preparation work necessary, depending on the vehicle structure and installation method. Some of the steps that may be required are:
A)Removal of the vehicle's dome light
B)If the trim ring will be used, it may have to be trimmed to fit the contour of the vehicle's headliner. Refer to the "Trim Ring Installation" section in this manual.
Mounting the Trim Ring
Roof Support
Mounting Bracket
Trim Ring
Video Unit
M4 Flange Nut
The dome lights in the video monitor require three connections to the vehicle's wiring. There are two common types of dome light circuits used, positive or negative switched. Positive systems supply voltage to the interior lights to turn them on, negative switched systems apply ground to illuminate the bulbs. To determine which system you have you must locate the wires at the dome light. On a positive switched system, with all the doors closed and the lights out, both wires at the dome light will rest at ground. When the light is activated, one of these wires will switch to +12 vdc. This is the vehicle's switching wire. On a negative switched system, with all the doors closed and the lights out, both wires at the dome light will rest at + 12vdc. When the light is activated, one of these wires will switch to ground. This is the switching wire.
For positive systems, connect the violet / brown (Lamp auto) wire to the vehicle's switched wire. Then connect the red / black (lamp on) wire to a fused constant 12 volt source and the black / red (lamp common) wire to a good ground. Positive systems are commonly found on Ford vehicles.