Boss Audio Systems KD-R210 user service Pour tout produit utilise a des fins, Standards, Criteres

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(e)Any JVC products on which the serial num-ber has been defaced, modified or removed.

(f)Maintenance, cleaning or periodic check-up

(g)Conversion to foreign or domestic voltage or frequency.

(h)Any JVC product without the Canadian

Electrical Safety Regulations 10.

( i) Any JVC products used for commercial or institutional, rental, or display purposes.

Parts 1 year (except video head - 90 days)

Labour... 90 days

(j)Any JVC product which has been resold and no longer owned by the original purchaser.

(k)Product purchased from "outside Canada", "bankruptcy" or "liquidator".

(e)Tout produit JVC dont Ie numero de serie a ete altere, modifie ou enleve.

(f)L'entretien, les verifications periodiques et nettoyage.

(g)La conversion a une frequence ou une tension etrangere ou domestique.

(h)Tout produit JVC n'ayant pas Ie sigle d'identification conforme aux normes electriques Canadiennes (CSA).

(i)Pour tout produit utilise a des fins

commerciales, institutionnelles, de location ou utilise ades fins d'etalage.

Pieces............ 1 An (Excepte les tetes

video- 90 jours)

Main d'oeuvre... 90 Jours

(j)Tout produit JVC ayant ete revendu et qui n'estplus la propriete de I'acheteuroriginal.

(k)Produit achete a "I'exterieurdu Canada", provenant d'une"faillite" ou d'un"Iiquidateur".

( I) Any defects caused by fire, flood, lightning, power surge, or other events beyond the control of JVC.


Warranty does not cover elimination of car

static or electrical interferences, cleaning

of head, adjustments, or labour cost for the

removal or reinstallation of the unit for


3. Standards:

If any defects should be found in a JVC product

within the applicable terms, necessary repairs

shall be made at no cost to the purchaser for

parts or labour when JVC acknowledges that

such defects are due to faulty material or work-


4. Exclusion of All Other Express Warranties:

(I)Tout dommage cause par Ie feu, une inondation, un eclair, une surtension ou tout

autre evenement hors du controle de JVC.


La garantie ne couvre pas I'elimination

d'interferencesstatiques ou electriques de

la voiture, Ie nettoyage de tete, les

ajustements et les coOts de main d'oeuvre

associes 11 I'enlevement ou 11 la

reinstallation de I'unitepour reparation.

3. Criteres:



Si un produit JVC s'averaitdefectueux, selon les



les reparations

necessaires seront effectues sans coOts

additionnels 11 I'acheteurpour les pieces et la

main d'oeuvrelorsque JVC reconnait que de telles

defectuosites sont causees par une defectuosite

de materiel ou de fabrication.





PARTS (Years)

labour (Years)


PIECES (annees) MAIN-D'OEUVER(annees)

Projection TV In-Home Service



Colour TV In-Home (25" and above)



D-ILA Rear Projection In-Home Service



LCD TV In-Home Service (25" and above)



~crans de projection Service a Domicile



Ecrans de TV Couleur Service a Domicile (25" et piUS)



~V projection arriere D-ILA Service a Domicile Ecrans de LCD Service a Domicile (25" et plus)

In-home service to be provided where available

Where it is not available, the Purchaser must assume the responsibility and expense for the proper packing, shipment and all costs associated with the delivery of the equipment to and from the closest JVC Authorized Service Centre.

• Service adomicile fourni par un detaillant disponible.

S'iln'ya pas de service JVC disponible a proximite, I'acheteurdoit assumer la responsabilite et les couts pour un emballage adequat, I'expedition,ainsi que tous les couts associes a la Iivraison de I'equipementchez et depuis Ie detaillant JVC autorise Ie plus pres pour un service d'entretien.

This warranty constitutes the entire express

warranty given by JVC for JVC products and

no dealer or service centre personnel or his,

its or their agent or employee is, or are autho-

rized to extend or enlarge this warranty on be-

half of JVC.

5. Disclaimer of Consequential Damage:

To the extent the law permits JVC disclaims

any responsibility for loss of time or use of its

product, transportation costs, or any other

indirect, incidental or consequential damage or


And mail to the address below.

~You may also register on-line

Detach here.

4. Exclusion de toutes autres garanties expresses:

Cette garantie constitue I'entieregarantie express

donnee par JVC pour les produits JVC. Nul

representant ou employe d'undetaillant ou d'un

service d'entretienn'estautorise a prolonger cette

garantie au nom de JVC.

5. Denegation des dommages indirects :

Dans la mesure permise par la loi, JVC nie toute

responsabilite pour perle de temps ou d'usagede

ses produits, des coOts de transport ou tout autre

dommage ou inconvenient indirect, accidentel et


Veuillez poster aI'adresseci-dessous. INouveau I Vous pouvez egalement vous

enregistrer par internet iI;

adecouper ici

Receivers and Home Speakers purchased separately, Front Projection and Car Audio "ARSENAL" Series

Recepteurs et Hauts-Parleurs achetes separement, Projecteur Avant et Audio d'Autode Serie « ARSENAL»

AC Adapters, Remote Controls, Headphones, Microphones and Projector Lamps

Adaptateurs AC, Telecommande, Casque D'ecoute,Microphones et Lampe de Projecteur

Wood Cone Speakers

Enceinte aCone en Bois

All Other Categories

Toutes les autres categories








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Placez votre timbre ici


21Finchdene Square Toronto, ON M1X 1A7

Image 10
Contents Turn on the power Il Select Clock M How to reset your unitReset the unit after installation is complete How to forcibly eject a disc+DjD/~C x~ ~~ci~~F~ fader ~~ ~. ~~d number o~symbolsVOL i~olu~··-·-·~-·~···~ Illllllllllllllld TopreventShort-drCUIt,covertheterminaIS~\+=5 GE40401-001 a OTHERWISE, Damage to Your Unit MAY Occur Valley Road Wayne, NJ8T-51 0208Finchdene Square, Toronto, on M1X 1A7 To Obtain Warranty ServicePour obtenir un service de garantie TEL 416 293-1311FAX 416Criteres Pour tout produit utilise a des finsStandards Disclaimer of Consequential DamageTo OUR Valued Customer BT-51018-6 1008This limited warranty provided by JVC does not cover Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey

KD-R210 specifications

The Boss Audio Systems KD-R210 is a versatile car stereo receiver that brings a range of features and technologies designed to enhance your driving experience. Known for its user-friendly interface and impressive audio performance, the KD-R210 is an excellent choice for those seeking quality sound and functionality on the road.

One of the standout features of the KD-R210 is its compatibility with various audio formats. It supports MP3, WAV, and WMA audio files, allowing users to enjoy their favorite tracks from multiple sources. The front USB port provides a convenient option for connecting USB drives loaded with music, while the auxiliary input allows for seamless integration with external devices like smartphones and tablets.

The KD-R210 is also equipped with Bluetooth technology, enabling hands-free calling and audio streaming directly from your smartphone. With Bluetooth, you can instantly connect to your device, making it easier to manage calls without taking your attention off the road. This feature enhances both safety and convenience, allowing drivers to keep their focus on driving while staying connected.

In terms of audio customization, the KD-R210 comes with an impressive 3-band EQ (equalizer) that allows users to tailor the sound to their preferences. With preset options for different music styles, as well as manual adjustments, you can achieve the perfect balance of treble, midrange, and bass to suit your taste. Additionally, the unit offers front and rear speaker outputs, meaning you can create a well-rounded audio experience in any vehicle.

The KD-R210 also features an easy-to-read LCD display, equipped with adjustable lighting options to match your vehicle's interior. The user interface is intuitive, making it easy to navigate through menus and settings without distraction.

Another notable characteristic of the KD-R210 is its durability and robustness. Built with high-quality components, this car stereo is designed to withstand the rigors of daily use while delivering reliable performance. The unit is also designed to fit various vehicle models, making installation straightforward for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts.

In summary, the Boss Audio Systems KD-R210 combines a comprehensive suite of features, including audio format support, Bluetooth connectivity, customizable EQ settings, and user-friendly interface, making it an excellent choice for car audio enthusiasts. With its sound quality, connectivity options, and ease of use, the KD-R210 truly stands out in the marketplace of car stereo receivers.