designed just to hide the camera – it's actually a very smart, chunky silver pen that really works. So next time you meet a girl, you can take her picture as well as taking her… number down. Prove to your mates that she wasn't a figment of your drunken imagination (or to yourself, depending just how drunk you were.) The ultimate in portability, it easily fits into a pocket or bag. Of course, that also means it's easily sneaked into ‘no cameras allowed' venues.
Easy to use, portable, and very reasonably priced, the Camera Pen is a fantastic buy. After all, you can pay a hundred quid for a fancy pen in a box, and all they do is write! What good is that?
Includes software,
Features and specifications:
Colour Photos
Video component: CMOS
Resolution: 160 x 120 pixels
Exposure control: Auto
White balance: Auto
Battery life: 500+ pictures Auto
English vocal instructions - The Voice function is re- quired to select the functions.. eg.. to delete, take pho- toes, download etc.....
Camera stores 36 pictures
LED power indicator (green) Light distance: over 35mm
Shutter speed: 0.3ms - 18/120 seconds
Computer interface: COM interface
Angle: 40
Minimum system requirements:
CPU: 486
Memory: 8M
Display: VGA
Driver: 1.44M
Hard disk memory; 1G or above
Interface: COM Port (RS232)
CPU: 266 Mhz, Pentium CPU or better
Memory: 32M
Display: VGA
Remote Control Jammer
Price $ 9.99
f your partner is always changing channels, don't throw a wobbly, simply reply 'of course you can love' - have we gone mad? No there's method in our madness. The Remote Control Jammer is a tiny but ingenious gadget that will make sure the channel you want on stays on. It jams any infra red remote control - TV, video or stereo - and noone but you will be able to fix it. And because the jammer is so small, no one will even see you press it, so your secret stays safe. Then, when your favourite show is finished, you can "fix" the remote, leaving everyone so grateful that they don't have to walk all the way over to the set to change channels that they'll probably let you watch what you want for the rest of the night anyway!
You need never again sit through "Changing Rooms" and "Ally McBeal" when you know the football is on the other side. With the Remote Control Jammer, what you say goes.