To access the Nokia Music Store, you must have a valid internet access point in your device. To open Nokia Music Store, select > Music player > Options > Go to Music store.
Transfer music
You can buy music from online music shops and transfer the music to your device.
To refresh the library after you have updated the song selection in your device, select > Music player > Music
>Options > Refresh library.
Transfer music from PC
To transfer music from PC, use Nokia Music application. See Nokia Music user guide for more information. To synchronise music with Windows Media Player, connect the compatible USB cable and select Media transfer as the connection mode. You can transfer WMDRM protected music files only using media transfer. A compatible memory card needs to be inserted in the device.
Nokia Podcasting
With the Nokia Podcasting application (network service), you can search, discover, subscribe to, and download podcasts over the air, and play, manage, and share audio podcasts with your device.
M u s i c
Warning: Listen to music at a moderate level. Continuous exposure to high volume may damage your hearing. Do not hold the device near your ear when the loudspeaker is in use, because the volume may be extremely loud.
To use Nokia Podcasting, you must set your connection and download settings.
Contact your service provider for information about the connection settings and data transmission charges. Setting the application to retrieve podcasts automatically may involve the transmission of large amounts of data through your service provider’s network.
Select > Applications > Podcasting > Options > Settings and from the following:
Connection > Default access point — to select the access point to define your connection to the internet. To define the podcast search service for searches, select Search service URL.
Download — to edit the download settings. You can select whether to save your podcasts to the device or the memory card; set how often podcasts are updated and set the time and date for the next automatic update; and set how much memory space to use for podcasts, and what to do if the downloads exceed the download limit.