Ikelite 6082, HG-21, HG-20, 6081 S T a L L a T IO N c o n t in u e d, Camera Setting

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FINAL PREPARATION_____________________________________________________

Remove the lens cap￿ lens hood and cord from the camera￿ Otherwise￿ they may

interfere with the housing seal￿



The camera￿s auto focus feature is utilized underwater￿For best results￿ move in close to

your subject and use the wide angle range to shoot thru as little wateras possible￿ The full

zoom range is accessible underwater￿



Chart shows recommended initial settings underwater￿




Power On￿Off

Camera ￿On￿

Zoom Lever


Wide Angle Setting



Auto Mode


CAMERA TRAY____________________________________________________________

The camera mounts to the tray￿ which extends from the back plate of the housing￿ DO NOT remove the tray from the back plate￿ The camera strap MUST be positioned underneath the camera tray as noted below￿

￿￿ Remove camera strap from front loop on the camera￿ ￿￿ Open the camera LCD screen￿

￿￿ Place the camera against the stabilizing pins on the tray￿ Secure camera with the tripod mounting bolt￿ The camera should fit easily on the tray and should be parallel with the sides of the tray￿

￿￿ Loop the camera strap underneath the camera tray and attach the open end of the strap around the spring pin on the housing back￿

￿￿ Press the LCD screen against the shade on the back￿

IN S T A L L A T IO N c o n t in u e d

INSERTING THE CAMERA_________________________________________________

Check that the clean o￿ring is properly positioned on the lip of the clear back plate￿ Place the lid snaps in the open position￿

Once the camera is mounted to the tray and the camera strap is secured underneath the tray￿ pull the housing controls out to provide clearance for the camera￿ Align the back plate with the clear housing and slowly place the back plate against the housing￿

DO NOT force this installation; if the controls are out of the way and everything is lined up properly￿ the camera and tray will fit easily inside￿ Make certain that the tray is completely in the housing￿ The front should be flat against the housing and NOT tilted on one side￿

HOUSING CONTROLS_____________________________________________________

Slide the housing controls back in place making sure they properly align with the camera functions￿ Fasten the opposite lid snaps at the same time￿￿DO NOT fasten one at a time￿

Operate each control to see how it works with the camera￿ Some controls such as start￿stop will be used frequently￿ Other controls may seldom be utilized￿ Refer to your camera owner￿s manual for the proper function of each camera control￿ Look thru the back to be sure that you can see into the viewfinder￿

When using the housing controls￿ especially the start￿stop￿ DO NOT use excessive force because you could damage the camera￿


Remove the lens cap and cord from the camera￿ Otherwise￿ the cord may interfere with the housing seal￿

If the housing controls are not properly p ositioned￿ they could interfere with the housing seal￿


Front Loop

Flap Open

Camera Strap


Mounting Tray

Spring Pin

Remove the camera strap from the front loop on the camera￿


Front Loop



Flap Open

Camera Strap

Loop the camera strapSpring Pin underneath the camera tray and attach the open end of the strap around the spring pin on the housing back with the flap open￿


￿￿ West ￿￿rd Street • PO Box ￿￿￿￿￿ • Indianapolis￿ IN ￿￿￿￿￿ USA • ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

Email: ikelite@ikelite￿com www￿ikelite￿com


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Contents E P a R a T I O N Packaged with HousingIkelite Video Case Canon Vixia HGS T a L L a T IO N Camera SettingInterfere with the housing seal S T a L L a T IO N c o n t in u e d