To add a geotag to a photo
1When you are viewing a photo, tap the screen to display the toolbars, then tap Tap to set location to open the map screen.
2Find and tap the desired location to put the photo on the map.
3To adjust the location of the photo, tap the location on the map to where you
want to move the photo.
4When you are finished, tap OK to save the geotag and return to the photo viewer.
| To view geotagged photos on a map |
1 | From your Home screen, tap . |
2 | Find and tap Album. |
3Drag the left edge of the Album home screen to the right, then tap Places.
4 Tap the photo that you want to view on a map.
| To view geotagged photos on a globe |
1 | From your Home screen, tap . |
2 | Find and tap Album. |
3Drag the left edge of the Album home screen to the right, then tap Places > .
4 Tap the photo that you want to view on a globe.
To change the geotag of a photo
1When viewing a photo on the map in Album, touch and hold the photo until its
frame turns blue, then tap the desired location on the map.
2Tap OK.
To change the map view
•When viewing the map in Album, tap , then select Classic view or Satellite view.
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