3When you have finished entering text, press r.
4Press - under Send.
more message options
To view more message fields in a message you are creating, select .....MORE..... or press -
under More.
Subject: Create or edit the subject line.
Attach: Attach a picture, audio file or voice record.
Cc: Send a copy of this message to someone else.
Auto Replies: Allows you to create a list of possible short answers for the recipient to choose when replying to your message.
Priority: Set priority Normal or High.
Report: Set receipt confirmation On Delivery.
Valid Until: Set a date after which attempts to deliver the message end, or press - under No Date.
reply to a message
You can reply to a message while you are viewing it, or while a previously viewed message is highlighted in the message center. You cannot reply to unread messages.
To reply to a message:
1View the message you want to reply to.
2To reply to the sender only, press - under Reply or if you wish to include all the people copied in the message, press - under Reply All.
A list of short phrases appears. Select any of these phrases to add it to your messages or select [Create Reply].
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