To call the emergency number at any time:
1Press the keypad keys to dial the emergency number.
2Press nto call the emergency number.
international calls
If your phone service includes international dialing, press and hold 0 to insert your local international access code (indicated by +). Then press the keypad keys to dial the country code, such as +44for the U.K., +33 for France, and phone number.
1-touch dial
To call phonebook entries 2 through 9, press and hold the
You can set
Find it: Press M > Settings > Other Settings > Initial Setup
Note: To change
Note: Some carriers’ settings allow
You can listen to your voicemail messages by calling your network voicemail phone number. Voicemail messages are stored on the network, not on your phone. Contact your service provider for more details.
To store your voicemail number in your phone:
Find it: Press M > Messages > Voicemail > M > Voicemail Setup
When you receive a voicemail message, your phone displays 1 New Text Message and a new voicemail indicator. Some networks only indicate when you have messages, whether or not they are new. If users delete all voicemail messages, the voicemail indicator will disappear.
To listen to your voicemail message:
Find it: Press M > Messages > Voicemail
Your phone calls the voicemail phone number you stored.
If you do not have a voicemail number stored, the phone guides you through the process of storing a number.
calls 53