photos & videos
Tap a button in the toolbar to the right of the screen to perform the following editing tasks:
•Tap or
to rotate the photo.
•Tap J to crop a portion of the photo. Tap and drag the bounding box to outline the crop borders. Tap and drag a bounding box edge or corner to resize the bounding box.
to adjust brightness and contrast.
•Tap to automatically optimize the color levels.
•Tap to insert a frame around the photo.
Tap é, then tap More Edit to perform these additional editing actions:
•Tap Draw to draw on the photo.
•Tap Add Text to place text on the photo.
•Tap Add Clipart to add preformatted clip art.
•Tap Effect to generate effects such as sharpen, blur, negative and so on.
•Tap Color to adjust color levels as desired.
•Tap Resize to resize the photo for various display formats.