mobile phones (a number increasing at a rate of about 1 million per month), about 4800 cases of brain cancer would be expected each year among those 80 million people, whether or not they used their phones. Thus it is not possible to tell whether any individual's cancer arose because of the phone, or whether it would have happened anyway. A key question is whether the risk of getting a particular form of cancer is greater among people who use mobile phones than among the rest of the population. One way to answer that question is to compare the usage of mobile phones among people with brain cancer with the use of mobile phones among appropriately matched people without brain cancer. This is called a
What is FDA's role concerning the safety of mobile phones?
Under the law, FDA does not review the safety of
Although the existing scientific data do not justify FDA regulatory actions at this time, FDA has urged the mobile phone industry to take a number of steps to assure public safety. The agency has recommended that the industry:
•support needed research into possible biological effects of RF of the type emitted by mobile phones
•design mobile phones in a way that minimizes any RF exposure to the user that is not necessary for device function