• Specific Absorption Rate
Your model w ireless pho ne me ets internati onal gui delines for exposure to radio waves.
Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the li mits for expo sure to radio waves recommended by international gui delines. Thes e guid elines were d eveloped by the independent scientific organisation ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health, and to account for any variations in measurements.
The guidelines use a unit of measurement know n a s the Spe cific Absorption Rate (SAR). The ICNIRP SAR limit for mobile devices used by the general public is 2 watts per kilogram (W/kg), and the highest SAR value for this mobile device when tested at the ear is 1.08 W/kg. As mobile devices offer a range of functions, they can be used in other positions, such as on the body as described in this guide. In this case, the highest tested SAR value is 0.58 W/kg. The tests are carried out in accordance w ith i nternational gui delines fo r testing . The SAR information i ncludes th e M otorola testing protoco l, asses sment procedure and measurement uncertainty range for this product.
As SAR is measured utilising the mobile device's highest transmitting power, the actual SAR of this mobile device while operating is typically below that indicated above. This is due to automatic changes to the power level of the mobile device to ensure it only uses the minimum level required to reach the network.
While there ma y be differences between the SAR levels of v arious mobile devices and at various positions, they meet the g overnmental requirements for safe exposure. Please note tha t improvements to this product model could cause differences in the SAR value for later products; i n al l ca ses, prod ucts ar e d esigned to be w ithin the guidelines.
The Worl d Health Organisation has s tated that present s cientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for the use of mobile devices. They note that if you want to reduce your exposure, then you can do so by limiting the length of calls or using a
Additional information can be foun d on the Web sites of the World Health Organisation ( http://www.who.int/emf) and M otorola, Inc . (http://www.motorola.com/rfhealth).
•European Union Directives Conformance Statement
Hereby, Mo torola d eclares that this pr oduct i s in compliance with:
•The essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC
•All other relevant EU Directives
1588 |
| ||||
| Product | |||||
| Approval |
| Number |
The above gives an example of a typical Product Approval Number. You can v iew your product's De claration o f C onformity (Do C) t o Directive 1999/5/EC (to R&TTE Directive) at www.motorola.com/rtte. To find your DoC, enter t he P roduct A pproval N umber from your product's label in the "Search" bar on the Web site.
• Safety & General Information
This section contains important information on the safe and efficient op eration of your m obile d evice. Read th is information before using your mobile device.
Exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) Energy
Your mobile device contains a transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it r eceives and transmits RF energy. When you communicate using your mobile device, the system handling your call controls the power level at which your mobile device transmits.
Your m obile device i s d esigned to comply with local r egulatory requirements in your country concerning exposure of human be ings to RF energy.
Operational Precautions
For optimal mobile device performance, and to be sure that human exposure to RF energy does not exceed the guidelines set forth in the relevant standards, always follow these instructions and precautions.
Product Operation
When placing or receiving a phone call, hold your mobile device just like you would a landline phone.
If you wear the mobile device on your body, always place the mobile device in a Mot
Using accessories not supplied or approved by M otorola may cause your mobile device to exceed RF energy exposure guidelines. For a list of
RF Energy Interference/Compatibility
Nearly e very e lectronic d evice i s subje ct to R F energy i nterference from external sources if inadequately shielded, designed or otherwise configured for RF energy compatibility. In some circumstances, your mobile device may cause interference with other devices.
Follow Instructions to Avoid Interference Problems
Turn off your mobile device in any location where pos ted noti ces instruct you to do so.
In an aircraft, turn off your mobile device whenever instructed to do so by airline staff. If your mobile device offers an aeroplane mode or similar feature, consult airline staff about using it
Implantable Medical Devices
If you have an implantable medical device, s uch as a pac emaker or defibrillator, consult your doctor before using this mobile device. Persons with implantable medical devices should observe the following precautions:
•ALWAYS keep the mobile device more than 20 centimetres
(8 inches) from the implantable medical device when the mobile device is turned ON.
•DO NOT carry the mobile device in the breast pocket.
•Use the ear opposite the implantable medical device to minimise the potential for interference.
•Turn OFF the mobile device immediately if you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place.
Read and follow the directions from the manufacturer of your implantable medical device. If you have any questions about using your mobile d evice w ith y our i mplantable med ical d evice, c onsult your health care provider.
Driving Precautions
The use of w ireless phones while d riving may cause distraction. Discontinue a call if you can't concentrate on driving.
Additionally, the use of wireless devices and their accessories may be prohibited or rest ricted in c ertain areas. A lways obey t he l aws and regulations on the use of these products.
Responsible driving practices can be found i n "Smart Practices While Driving".
Operational Warnings
Obey all posted signs when using mobile devices in public areas.
Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
Areas w ith potenti ally expl osive at mospheres are oft en, but not always, posted and can include fuelling areas, such as below decks on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities or areas where the air c ontains c hemicals or parti cles, such as grain dust or met al powders.
When you are in such an area, turn off your mobile device and do not remove, install or charge batteries. In such areas, sparks can occur and cause an explosion or fire.
Symbol Key
Your battery, charger or mobile device may contain symbols, defined as follows:
| Symbol | Definition | |
| 032374o |
| Important safety information follows. |
| |
| 032376o |
| Do not dispose of your battery or mobile |
| device in a fire. | |
| |
Symbol | Definition | ||
| Your battery or mobile device may |
| 032375o | require recycling in accordance with local | |
| |
| laws. Contact your local regulatory |
| authorities for more information. |
| Do not dispose of your battery or mobile |
| device with normal household waste. |
| Do not let your battery, charger or |
| mobile device get wet. |
| Listening at full volume to music or voice |
| through a headset may damage your |
| hearing. |
Batteries & Chargers
Caution: Improper treatment or use of batteries may present a danger of fire, explosion, leakage or other hazard. For more information, see "Battery Use & Safety".
Keep Your Mobile Device and Its Accessories Away From Small Children
These products are not toys and may be hazardous to small children. For example:
•A choking hazard may exist for small, detachable parts.
•Improper use could result in loud sounds, possibly causing hearing injury.
•Improperly handled batteries could overheat and cause a burn.
Glass Parts
Some part s of y our mobi le d evice may be mad e of glas s. This gl ass could break if the product is dropped on a hard surface or receives a substantial impact. If glass breaks, do not touch or attempt to remove. Stop using your mobile device until the glass is replaced by a qualified service centre.
Some peopl e may be susceptible t o epileptic seizures or blac kouts when exposed to flashing lights, such as when play ing v ideo games. These may occur even if a person has never had a previous seizure or blackout.
If you have experienced seizures or blackouts or if you have a family history of such occurrences, please consult your doctor before playing video games or enabling a
Discontinue use and consult a doctor if any of the following symptoms occur: convulsion, ey e or muscle t witching, loss of awareness, involuntary movements or disorientation. It is always a good idea to hold the screen away from your eyes, leave the lights on in the room, take a
Caution About High Volume Usage
Warning: Exposure to loud noise from any source for extended periods of time may affect your hearing. The louder the volume sound level, the less time is required before your hearing could be affected. To protect your hearing:
•Limit the amount of time you use headsets or headphones at high volume.
•Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings.
•Turn the volume down if you can't hear people speaking near you. If y ou experi ence heari ng d iscomfort, inc luding the sensation of pressure or fullness in y our ears , ri nging in your ears or muffled speech, you should stop listening to the device through your headset or headphones and have your hearing checked.
For mo re information a bout hearing, see our Web site at www.motorola.com/hearingsafety (in English only).
Repetitive Motion
When you repetitively perform actions such as pressing keys or entering
• Use & Care
To care for your Motorola phone, please keep it away from:
liquids of any kind
Don't expose your phone to water, rain, extreme humidity, sweat or other moisture. If it does get wet, don't try to accelerate drying with the use of an oven or dryer, as this may damage the phone.
extreme heat or cold
Avoid t emperatures b elow 0 °C/32°F or a bove 45°C/113°F.
Don't try to dry your phone in a microwave oven.
dust and dirt
Don't expose y our phone to dust, dirt, sand, food or other inappropriate materials.
cleaning solutions
To clean your phone, use only a dry soft cloth. Do not use alcohol or other cleaning solutions.
the ground
Don't drop your phone.
• Information from the World Health Organisation
Present scientific information does not indic ate the need for | any |
special pr ecautions f or t he u se o f mo bile ph ones. I f you | a re |
concerned, you may want to limit your own or your children's RF exposure by limiting the length of c alls or by using handsfree dev ices to keep mobile phones away from your head and body.
Source: WHO Fact Sheet 193
Further information:
• Caring for the Environment by Recycling
This symbol on a Motorola product means the product should not be disposed of with household waste.
Disposal of your Mobile Device & Accessories
Please do no t d ispose of mobile devices or electri cal |
accessories (such as chargers, headsets or batteries) with |
your household waste. Do not dispose of your battery or | 032376o |
| |
mobile device in a fire. These items should be disposed of |
in accordance with the na tional co llection a nd r ecycling schemes |
operated by yo ur local or regional authority. Alternatively, you may
return unw anted mobile devices and electrical accessories | to a ny | |
Motorola Appr oved Servi ce Ce ntre in your region | . D etails of | |
nd | further | |
information o n Mo torola rec ycling activit ies can | be fou | nd at : |
www.motorola.com/recycling |
Disposal of your Mobile Device Packaging & Product Guide
Product packaging and product guides should only be d isposed of in accordance with national collection and recycling requirements. Please contact your regional authorities for more details.
• Privacy & Data Security
Motorola understands that privacy and data security are important to everyone. Given that some features of your mobile device may affect your privacy or data security, please follow these recommendations to enhance protection of your information:
•Monitor access
•Keep software up to date
•Erase before recycling
Note: For information on backing up your mobile device data before erasing it, go to www.motorola.com and navigate to the "downloads" section of the consumer Web page for "Motorola Backup" or "Motorola Phone Tools".
•Understanding AGPS
Assisted Global Positioning System (AGPS) technology. AGPS technology can also be used in
If you have further questions regarding how the use of your mobile device may i mpact y our privacy or d ata s ecurity, pl ease contact Motorola at privacy@motorola.com, o r co ntact yo ur s ervice provider.
• Smart Practices While Driving
Drive Safe, Call Smart
Check the laws and regulations on the use of mobile devices and their accessories in the areas where you drive. Always obey them. The use of t hese devices may be prohibited or restricted in certain areas
Your mobile device lets you communicate by voice and data, almost anywhere, any time, w herever w ireless s ervice i s avai lable and s afe conditions allow. Wh en drivin g a c ar, driv ing is yo ur first responsibility. If you choose to use your mobile device while driving, remember the following tips:
•Get to know your Motorola mobile device and its features such as speed dial and redial. If available, these features help you to place your call without taking your attention off the road.
•Position your mobile device within easy
reach. Be able to access your mobile device without removing your eyes from the road. If you receive an incoming call at an inconvenient time, if possible, let your voicemail answer it for you.
•Let the person you are speaking to know you are driving; if necessary, suspend the call in heavy traffic or hazardous weather conditions. Rain, sleet, snow, ice and even heavy traffic can be hazardous.
•Do not take notes or look up phone numbers while driving. Jotting down a "to do" list or going through your address book takes attention away from your primary
•Dial sensibly and assess the traffic; if possible, place calls when your car is not moving or before pulling into traffic. If you must make a call while moving, dial only a few numbers, check the road and your mirrors, then continue.
•Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations that may be distracting. Make people you are talking to aware you are driving and suspend conversations that can divert your attention away from the road.
•Use your mobile device to call for help. Dial 999 or another local emergency number in the case of fire, traffic accident or medical emergencies (wherever wireless phone service is available).
•Use your mobile device to help others in emergencies. If you see a road accident, crime in progress or other serious emergency where lives are in danger, call 999 or another local emergency number (wherever wireless phone service is available), as you would want others to do for you.
•Call roadside assistance or a special
• Content Copyright
The unauthorised copying of copyrighted materials is contrary to t he provisions of t he C opyright Laws of the U nited S tates and other countries. This device is intended solely for copying
• Software Copyright Notice
Motorola products may include copyrighted Motorola and
Obigo® | is a registered trademark of Obigo AB. | ||
| eZiText™ a nd Z i™ are trademarks of Zi |
| |
| |
| Corporation and/or |
| its Affiliates. |
Protection against theft (1)
Your telephone is identified by an IMEI (phone serial number) shown on the packaging label and in the product’s memory. We recommend that you note the number the fi rst time you us e your telephone by
(1)Contact your network operator for service availability.
19 | 20 | 21 |
entering * # 0 6 # and keep it in a safe place. It may be requested by the police or your operator if your telephone is stolen. This number allows your mobile telephone to be blocked preventing a third person from using it, even with a different SIM card.
•Errors and Omissions
Certain mobile phone features are dependent on the capabilities and settings of y our s ervice prov ider’s net work. Ad ditionally, c ertain features may not be activated by your service provider, and/or the provider’s network settings may limit the feat ure’s functionality. Always cont act your s ervice prov ider about feat ure av ailability and functionality. All features, functionality, a nd o ther product specifications, as well as the information contained in this user’s guide are based upon the latest available information and are believed to be accurate at the time of printing. Motorola reserves the right to change or mod ify any information or specifications without notice or obligation.
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