5Press the DONE key to store your entry.
Note: You can assign only nine speed dial numbers (locations 1 - 9).
To speed dial a number:
Press and hold the speed dial number you want to call.
Your network stores the voicemail messages you receive. To listen to your messages, call your voicemail number.
Note: Your service provider may include additional information about using this feature.
When you receive a voicemail message, your phone shows the voicemail message indicator tand New Voicemail. Press the Call key to listen to the message.
To check voicemail messages:
Press s> e Messaging > Voicemail.
Enter your
Your phone may prompt you to store your voicemail phone number. If you don’t know your voicemail number, contact your service provider.
Note: You can’t store a p (pause), w (wait), or n (number) character in this number. If you want to store a voicemail number with these characters, create a Contacts entry for it. Then, you can use the entry to call your voicemail.
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