•Any cellular phone with a serial number that has been removed, altered, or obliterated.
•Defects or damages caused by food spills or liquids.
•When the cables of the control unit have been stretched or the module
•When the surface of the “Product” and its pieces have been scratched or damaged due to normal use.
•Leather cases.
•Rented cellular phones.
•When the “Product” has been altered or repaired by
•When the “Product” has not been operated in agreement with the instructions
that accompany the “Product.”
7. The batteries
80% below its predicted capacity. This warranty is null for all types of batteries if:
•The batteries are charged by a charger that has not been approved by Motorola.
•Any of the battery seals are broken or tampered with.
•The batteries were used or installed in
Brand: Motorola Model:
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Number of Electronic Series:
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