Always store your Voice Mail number in location 98.
Pause Dialing
When you call automated systems like Voice Mail or bank by phone, a recorded message prompts you for PIN numbers, account numbers, etc. Pause Dialing can make using auto- mated systems easy by allowing you to store these numbers in the same memory location as the automated system’s access number. Just separate each set of numbers with a “pause”– a special character that tells your phone to wait before sending additional numbers.
Storing a Number with Pause Dialing
The pause occupies a
1. Enter | Enter the phone number you use to access the |
Number | automated system. |
2.Insert Press Ä and press ¾. You will see:
Pause Insert Pause o. Press a. You will see a pause circle inserted into the number entry: o. Each pause counts as one digit, and you can store up to 32 digits in each memory location.
3.Enter Enter the next group of numbers, for example,
PIN | your PIN number. If the automated system |
| requires a * or #, enter those symbols, too. |
4.Insert Press Ä and press ¾ then a. Repeat
Pause steps 3 and 4 as many times as necessary.
5.Store Press Â. You will see: LocationÑÑ. Enter
Sequence a