VSuite 2.1 | User Guide |
Digit Dialing
Use the Digit Dialing menu to adapt digit dialing to your voice.
Note: Only adapt digit dialing if the phone is having consistent difficulty recognizing numbers when you use the Call command.
Adapt Digits
Reset Digits
Lets you adapt digits, which can improve voice recognition of phone numbers. Adaptation takes about 60 seconds.
Erases any digit adaptation you have done and resets digit recognition to the factory default. If you have not adapted digits, this option is grayed out.
In VSuite, Sensitivity controls the balance between rejecting too much, which means the phone frequently does not recognize names, numbers, or commands, and rejecting too little, which means it frequently recognizes something even if nothing was said.
When VSuite rejects an utterance, it displays a message such as “Please repeat…” or “No match found.” If you frequently experience these messages, you might be able to get better recognition by adjusting the Sensitivity setting toward Reject Less.
If you frequently experience false activations (VSuite detects a wrong match), you might be able to get better performance by adjusting the Sensitivity setting toward Reject More.
Adjusts the sensitivity of command recognition.
Adjusts the sensitivity of name recognition.
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