*TD5130_eng 1/12/06 5:57 PM Page 73
When showing | Check this! |
symptoms like: |
| |
| |
| If connection is made for a signifi- |
When the phone is | cantly long duration, or game and |
heated. | Internet and others are used for a long |
| time, the phone may become hot. |
| This has no effect upon the life of the |
| product or performance. |
When the Ringerdoes not | Ringer Type may be set as "Silent" or |
ring, or when Backlight |
| |
or LCD blinks only. | "Light". Please select "Ring". |
| |
| Because battery wear out, its life grad- |
Standby duration | ually becomes shorter. If its life |
for battery gradually | becomes shorter over half of that at |
becomes shorter. | the time of purchase, you must pur- |
| chase a new one. |
When usage time of | If time for use of battery is short, it may |
battery becomes | be due to the user environment, or large |
shorter | volume of calls, or weak signals. |