LG Electronics Bliss Cus tom iz ab le H om e Scre e ns, Mai n Home Scree n, Shortcut Home Screen

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Customizable Home Screens

Make LG Bliss uniquely yours by customizing

the home screens with shortcuts to your favorite

features, media, and websites.

Main Home Screen

Access the Display Settings to customize the

Main Home Screen to display date and time or

calendar information.

Shortcut Home Screen

Quickly access the analog clock, timer, calendar,

quick note, help wizard, and other shortcuts you add using the Shortcut Home Screen.

Contacts Home Screen

Add your favorite contacts to the Contacts Home Screen. Tap the contact to view contact information, add a photo, make a call, send a message, or view your chat history.

Multimedia Home Screen

The Multimedia Home Screen hosts shortcuts to multimedia files such as your favorite photos, music, and videos.

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Contents UIC K Start Guid E Get tin g to Know Y our Pho ne BackAccessible fro m a large 3.0 touc h screen Ou ch U I T ouc h Sc re enHom e screens, Flash UI for clear images an d fun Animations, and a bu ilt-i n acceleromete r, al lCus tom iz ab le H om e Scre e ns Mai n Home Scree nShortcut Home Screen Contacts Home ScreenIntu itive Rot atin g Di spla y Si ng th e Virtu al Qwert Y Qwert Y keyboa rd a breeze to useN dwrit i n g R eco gnit io n Saving a ContactMe nu Ico n Ap t he Contacts Icon , and t hen ta p Ne w Contac tTra nsfe rr in g Mu sic Ro ws ing th e Web Your Favorite sStarting a W eb Session Ap t he Browse r IconTak in g a Pict u re Recording a Video Stop Recording IconOptional Accessories Bluetooth Solar Speakerphone Bluetooth Stereo Headset