manufacturer of the device you are trying to pair with. Please check the User Manual of the device you are initiating the pair with to see if it already has a predetermined passcode in place.
]Assign name: Allows you to change the name of the paired Bluetooth device and how it is displayed on the handset.
]Set as authorised/Set as unauthorised: Allows you to set an authorised connection between each Bluetooth device. For example if you regularly use a Bluetooth headset with your phone then setting the connection as authorised will mean the headset will automatically connect to the handset each time the headset is powered on.
]All services: Allows you to view all services which are supported by a Bluetooth device.
]Delete: Allows you to delete a paired Bluetooth device.
]Delete all: Allows you to delete all paired Bluetooth devices.
]My handset’s visibility
This indicates whether or not your handset will be visible to other Bluetooth devices.
]My handset’s name
You can set the name of your Bluetooth device. The default name is LG KG800.
Supported services
Displays a list of Bluetooth services the handset supports.
]Handsfree kit
]File transfer
]Image printing
]Business card transfer
]Browsing other device
]Serial Port Profile