Emails are downloaded by 2 different steps:
1.At the first connection, the phone downloads just the subjects and other few details of the emails Once the connection is finished, the following datat appears:
Once the connection is finished, the following datat appears:
-Total: total number of emails on the server.
-Received: Number of emails received in the phone.
-Too big: Number of emails too big to be downloaded.
Press the [Option] softkey on the list of the emails’ subjects to open the following menu:
-Receive: Connects to the server to download new subjects from the server.
-View: Download the full email - Details: Displays the information of the email, as subject, sender and so on.
-Sort by: sort the emails by date and time, sender, subject or size.
-Delete: deletes the email.
-Delete all: Deletes all the emails.
2.Once the emails’ subjects have been downloaded, you can download the email pressing the OK key, or selecting [Options] and then View. When the email has been downloaded, press the [Option] softkey to access the following menu:
You can receive only
<From the E-mail list>
-Receive: Connects to the server to download new subjects from the server
-View: Download and displays the
-Detail information: Shows the information about the