The T39 is capable of sending and receiving SMS messages, linked messages and it supports Enhanced Messaging Services (EMS). Please note that EMS is only valid for T39m versions.
•With the Short Message Service, a user can send text messages containing up to 160 charac- ters to and from GSM mobile stations (up to 70 characters using Chinese text)
•Status report is supported, which means that the user can see if a sent message has been delivered or not
•With the linked SMS, the user can link several SMS messages together to create a longer message
•With EMS, the T39 lets the user insert sounds, pictures and melodies, or ring tones in outgo- ing messages. Also, the phone will display pictures and play melodies, sounds and anima- tions included in incoming messages
The T39 also lets you save
Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS)
Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) is a powerful enhancement of the SMS standard specified by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). It is supported by the major network opera- tors and mobile phone manufacturers. With it, mobile phone users can add life to SMS text mes- saging in the form of pictures, melodies, sounds, animations and formatted text. This gives the users new ways to express feelings, moods and personality in SMS messages.
Add life to messages to and from the T39 by inserting melodies.
Users can express feelings and personality by inserting pictures in messages.
As well as messaging, users will enjoy collecting and swapping pictures and ring signals and other melodies, downloading them from the internet or editing them directly on the phone. See related documents listed under “Documents” on page 25. EMS is a
One message may contain several EMS objects, such as a picture, an animation and a sound. The message is limited by size. If concatenation is used, up to six segments of 128 bytes each can be combined in one message.
Most phones without support for the EMS standard will simply ignore the EMS information when the message is received, and will just display the text in the message. This prevents the phone from displaying unreadable contents to the user.