3Tap Gallery, Live Wallpapers or Wallpapers and choose the image or animation you want to use as the wallpaper.. Some cropping may be needed for Gallery images..
4Tap Done (for Gallery images) or Set wallpaper..
Note: Live wallpapers are not available for the lock screen..
Status and Notification icons
Your phone will tell you exactly what’s going on by showing you simple icons.. Here’s what they mean..
Indicators and Icons
Adding Items to Your Home Screen
1Tap ..
2Tap the Apps or Widgets tab to find the application or widget you desire..
3Tap and hold the icon of the item you wish to add and then drag it to the home screen..
Removing Items from Your Home Screen
1Tap and hold the item you want to delete until Remove appears on the screen..
2Drag the item to Remove and release your finger when the item turns red..
Creating a Folder
1On a home screen, tap and hold an app icon and drag it to folder..
2You can add more apps to the folder by dragging icons to the folder..
3Tap the folder to open it and access items in the folder..
4To name the folder, open it and tap Unnamed Folder..
5Enter a name and tap Done..
Deleting Items from A Folder
1Tap a folder to open it..
2Tap and hold an icon and drag it to Remove.. Release the icon when it turns red..
Indicator | What it means |
| GPRS connected |
| EDGE connected |
| 3G connected |
| Flight mode |
| Battery empty |
| Battery low |
| Battery partially |
| drained |
| Battery full |
/ | Battery charging |
Indicator What it means
No signal
Signal strength
Mobile data in use
Ringer off
Vibrate mode
Bluetooth on
Connected to a
Wi-Fi network
Wi-Fi in use
Wired headset connected
8 | Getting Started | Getting Started | 9 |